My comment on an answer to Why is it that some atheists can’t simply answer “I don’t know” when it comes to a specific god or gods?

My comment on an answer to Why is it that some atheists can't simply answer "I don't know" when it comes to a specific god or gods? :

My comment on an answer to Why is it that some atheists can’t simply answer “I don’t know” when it comes to a specific god or gods?

Why do some atheists insist on calling religious people’s beliefs fairy tales?

Answer by A Quora admin:

Speaking for myself, I don't call other peoples religious beliefs fairy tales, I call the fairy tales they believe fairy tales. If you want to have some kind of spiritual thing, some deep vision, whatever, great. I might not understand what you're talking about, but I won't call them fairy tales, or fantasies, or delusions. But, if you want to say that Noah's ark happened, or Jesus was born of a virgin, or rose from the dead, then you're not being spiritual, you're making claims about the world we live in. If Jesus was born of a virgin (abiogenesis), then biology is wrong. If Noah's ark is true, we are wrong about basic Geology and Physics. I'm not belittling someone because of what they believe. I'm objecting to the assumption that their unfounded belief should be treated with the same respect as one which is supported by mountains of evidence.

Why do some atheists insist on calling religious people's beliefs fairy tales?