Do you know the mind of God if you study the bible?

Answer by Jim Ashby:

If you study the word of God long enough and studiously enough, you might imagine that you know God pretty well. You might even become proficient at pontificating on the mind of God while maintaining a straight face. And if you insulate yourself within a community of like-minded people, you might all commiserate on the mind of God and hone your God-speak into an art form.

But if you come to me, pontificating on the Mind of God, don't expect me to nod knowingly and maintain a straight face while you beg my indulgence of your hubris.

Nobody knows the mind of God. They might know scripture but not the mind of God (assuming he even exists). It's unsettling and sad to witness people lost in the delusion of God-speak. It makes me want to shake them until they snap out of it.

Do you know the mind of God if you study the bible?

Hypothetically, if a Pope declared that homosexuality is no longer a sin, what would be the response?

Answer by Jim Ashby:

A pope CAN'T declare such a thing because it's a docrirnal matter. Papal infallibility prevents it. There are multiple (and infallible) papal bulls against homosexuality. Changing course on homosexuality means contradicting existing papal bulls — which contradicts the doctrine of papal infallibility —  which would undermine the authority, and thus, the legitimacy of the church.

Such a move would be unthinkable. The church is stuck with homophobia.

Hypothetically, if a Pope declared that homosexuality is no longer a sin, what would be the response?

How do atheists solve the problem of phenomenology?

Answer by Jim Ashby:

Yes, in the strictest sense, one can't absolutely prove anything. Everything is built on assumptions. However, I think René Descartes had it right: 'Cogito ergo sum' (I think, therefore I am). If you're thinking, you must exist. Consciousness is the most irreducible 'fact' we know of.

But we don't typically indulge epistemological and ontological circle-jerking in daily life: that's a good way to paralyze thinking altogether. Rather, we accept that our substrate of assumptions work pretty well. I assume that what is red to me is red to you too (if you're not color-blind): that redness is objective, not subjective. In practice we normally regard evidence, proof, facts, reality and truth, to be those things which are 'confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional assent' (nod to Stephen Jay Gould). That's the litmus test I use to declare something 'objective': objective reason, objective fact, objective support, etc.

I know it's discomforting to accept that perceived reality is an illusion but it should help to know that it's not a wild illusion. Human perception and interpretation of objective reality is pretty damn reliable despite the limited scope of our senses. Our understanding is 'close enough' to spectacularly advance science and technology. The regularities in nature that we call 'the laws of physics' are consistent and persistent enough to take men to the moon and back (and scramble to solve unanticipated emergencies), safe and sound. It's consistent and persistent enough to allow the functioning of this thing called the Internet . . . and rovers on Mars . . . and probes in the Oort cloud. I call the level of understanding necessary to pull these things off  pretty damn reliable.

People throughout history have experienced the foreboding, awesome, transcendent, grandeur of spiritual experiences. I know I have. Maybe you have too. In the past, this subjective phenomenon has been one of the strongest personal arguments for the numinous: not because the experience is so powerful but, rather, because so many people experience it. There's something definitely going on.

But now we have growing evidence that it's actually just a neurological phenomenon. To me, phenomenology is not a problem for atheism. It's just a post-modernist spin on apologetics.

Phenomenology has been separately developed in philosophy, psychology and religion. I'm addressing only the phenomenology of religion.

How do atheists solve the problem of phenomenology?

What is the difference between Jesus and Christianity, Buddha and Buddhism, teachings of sages and holy books that people have written?

Answer by Jim Ashby:

First and foremost, everybody interprets scripture (or holy text) subjectively. What George Bernard Shaw noted about the Bible applies to virtually every religious text: “No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says: He is always convinced that it says what he means.

People will take away from religion whatever they want to take away from (or read into) it. And with a world full of every imaginable type of person, the full spectrum of potential interpretations will occur. There will be liberal and conservative interpretations; apathetic and extremist interpretations; hawks and doves; and everything in between.

This is why scripture should never glorify war or prescribe punishments or condone the subjugation of our fellow human beings (i.e. women and slaves). By doing so, they give divine license for man's inhumanity to man.

As to differences in the teachings of religion's revered "sages", the biggest difference is whether they preach peace or violence, tolerance or intolerance. Of course, it is obligatory for religion to include peace, love and intolerance: they all, to varying degrees, do so. The question is: "How do religions manifest in their adherents?"

Until fairly recently, it could be said that nobody ever died in the name of Buddha. Unfortunately, that's no longer true. Buddhists have, on several occasions, attacked Muslims and mosques in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Hindus have also been attacking Muslims. I haven't followed these stories closely enough to know what justifications there were, if any. The point is that, even "peaceful" religions my have adherents who don't wholly subscribe to peace.

The Abrahamic religions, of course, are known for violent histories. Judaism and Christianity have enjoyed reforms that render them relatively benign in comparison to the unreformed religion of Islam. Recently, while Israel and Palestine were engaged in war, many times more Muslim deaths were occurring at the hands of other Muslims around the world . . . unspeakable atrocities: beheadings, mass executions and sadistic torture. World news has been dominated by Muslim violence for decades. Islam's adherents are getting a black eye from the mindless bloodlust of their extremists. Will the moderate majority (if it truly exists) ever police their own adherents and take control of their religion? It doesn't look promising, does it?

Buddhism and Hinduism have much more peaceful histories and traditions of tolerance. They're not monotheistic religions. And that is one of the many reasons for their non-violent reputations.

Monotheistic religions all claim exclusive ownership of God and truth. I think we can all see how this would inevitably lead to conflict between them. Monotheism, is inherently intolerant and totalitarian. It can be fairly asserted that the Abrahamic religions have been THE most persistently divisive influence in human history.

What is the difference between Jesus and Christianity, Buddha and Buddhism, teachings of sages and holy books that people have written?

Should atheism have an ethical component?

Answer by Jim Ashby:

All of humanity has the same ethical components. They're part of the human condition.

Experience plus empathy equals ethics/morality.

We learn, from experience, what hurts us.

With empathy, we understand that what hurts us is likely to hurt others as well.

Bingo! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The Golden Rule emerges from the combination of our experience and our DNA.

The wonderful thing is: because ethics is informed by experience, it (hopefully) matures as we mature.

  • “The word morality, if we met it in the Bible, would surprise us as much as the word telephone or motor car.” ~George Bernard Shaw
  • “One of the great tragedies of mankind is that morality has been hijacked by religion.” ~Arthur C. Clarke
  • “Morality is doing what is right, no matter what you’re told. Religion is doing what you’re told, no matter what is right.” ~Unknown
  • “I say quite deliberately that the Christian religion, as organized in its churches, has been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world.” ~Bertrand Russell
  • Morality is of the highest importance. But for us, not for God.” ~Albert Einstein
  • “The moral arc of the universe bends at the elbow of justice.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Should atheism have an ethical component?

What is the meaning of life?

Answer by Jim Ashby:

Thanks for the A2A, Frat Quintero!

Well, there's the old cliche answer: "The meaning of life is a life of meaning." And, maybe, that's as good an answer as any other. To me, meaning and purpose, in the context of your OP question, are synonymous.

Living a long life is not the purpose of life. Longevity is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It's quality, not quantity, that matters.

So, what qualities gives life meaning?

Well, I think the answer is found in consciousness. Cogito ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. Consciousness is the one thing we can be certain of. It's an irreducible biological phenomenon without which there would be no meaning.

But consciousness itself is not meaningful without experience. So I think the purpose of life is experience. But it's quality, not quantity that matters. It's not the number of experiences but, rather, the depth and breadth of those experiences that matter.

You could sleep as little as possible and spend every waking moment engaging your mind with reading and mass media or whatever else interests you. You could stuff your brain with knowledge. But would that be meaningful? Would your knowledge make a dent in what's knowable? Relative knowledge, like longevity, is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The some goes for other quantitative approaches to life. You could try to maximize hedonistic pleasure, popularity, professional achievement, accumulation of wealth or power . . . but no quantitative measure of life will ever fulfill you.

No. It's not the number of experiences we have that matters. It's the depth and breadth of those experiences that matter. So how do you pursue quality over quantity?

You share consciousness. You cooperate, collaborate and participate with others in ways that make you and others happy. Love is a natural outgrowth of shared consciousness and the pursuit of quality experiences.

Who do you love most? Your children? Your parents? Your significant other? Aren't they the ones you share consciousness with the most? Aren't they the ones you cooperate, collaborate and participate with the most? Well, make everybody a part of your family. Spread love wherever you go and happiness will follow in your path.

But this is easier said than done in 'normal' life. Not everybody wants to share in your consciousness or experience your love. Which is why some people seek out charity or missionary work. Unless you're gifted with a great skill, it's easier to make a difference if you join like-minded people and take your love to those who need it most. If you're not gifted, be the gift.

What is the meaning of life?

Is Islam undergoing a reformation?

I don’t believe Islam can be reformed unless the moderate majority unites behind the cause of reform. As I see it, reform will require outright criminalization of religious violence: at least, in jihad – and, preferably, repeal of whipping, caning, stoning, amputations, etc. in sharia law as well. The idea here is to distance Islam from ALL forms of violence. Islamic countries will need to prosecute all instances of religious violence. They could start with a blanket amnesty then crack down on subsequent violations. This means shutting down terrorist camps and outlawing radical teachings in madāris and mosques or anywhere else for that matter. Needless to say, this will require unity of will within the ummah of Islam – which will not be easy to accomplish because the Quran insists that it is perfect: infallible, immutable, clear and complete. We can’t revise the Quran, so Muslims will have to reform Islam the same way Christians reformed Christianity: by emphasizing positive verses over less positive ones. Some (most?) already do this, of course, but now they must stand up publicly and be counted.

To accomplish reform, Muslims will need to admit that literal interpretations and implementations of Islam is no longer viable in the modern age. Many (most?) Muslims will insist that there’s nothing wrong with the Quran. But that’s simply not true. There’s direct linkage between religious violence and the Quran. ISIS – who pride themselves on their literal implementation of the Quran – is clear and present evidence of that linkage. They may misinterpret some suwar but not all of them.

Criticism of Islam stirs an emotional response in most Muslims. Yet, reform will require these same Muslims to be critical of Islam. Most criticism of Islam is a criticism of ideologies and beliefs and their disastrous consequences – amply demonstrated all over the planet every day. Invariably, apologists for Islam respond by conflating criticisms of ideologies with intolerance of adherents. Their intent is obvious: intolerance of Muslims is racist (even though Islam is not a race) but criticism of their ideology is not; so they need to shift emphasis from ideologies to adherents before they can label their critics as racist. The charge of racism has become obligatory: a procedural appeal to the politically correct crowd. It’s dishonest but it’s smart. For some, the mere mention of racism will taint anything a critic has to say.

In contrast to the charge of racism, apologists for Islam do have at least one very valid point: that there are courageous moderate Muslims, like Maajid Nawaz, who condemn Islamic violence and advocate reforms that embrace freedom and human rights. And I totally agree. I admire their bravery and integrity. But what these apologists for Islam don’t seem to realize is that they are making my case for me. Vocal, moderate, Muslim, critics of Islam put themselves in the same precarious position as their infidel counterparts: specifically, they’re painting targets on their backs. By now, even the most ardent apologists for Islam know that vocal criticism of Islam can be dangerous to one’s health. It takes a certain disconnect to assert with one breath that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance then invoke ‘courageous’ moderate Muslims with the next breath. Don’t you think?

The point is that, if Muslims are to reform their religion, they have to admit it has problems . . . not deny those problems. They have to quit making excuses before they can start making changes for the better.

In many ways, Muslims aren’t much different than Christians. Most are just people who want to get through life with as little unnecessary drama as possible. Adherents from both religions cherry-pick scripture for what they choose to believe and practice. The vast majority of them cherry-pick positive verses. However, unlike Christianity, Islam has not yet enjoyed a reformation of its ideology. It’s just as fundamentalist as it ever was. And, without reform, fundamentalists are more likely to cherry-pick negative verses: ayat that emphasize militant jihad and a xenophobic us-versus-them mentality. To them, Islam is more of an ideology than a religion. That’s a bit simplistic but I think this distinction between the religious and the ideological is an important one. To me, it’s the difference between a Muslim and an Islamist.

The peaceful, religious, Muslim majority has allowed the radical, ideological, minority to dominate their religion. The word, Islam, is Arabic for submission to Allah. But, sometimes, it seems that, to the majority of Muslims, it means submission to the vocal minority. It’s time for the Muslim majority to reject dominance from the minority. Until they take control of their religion, their influence is irrelevant. Moderate Muslims need to unite and shun religious violence. And that includes Islamist doctrines that promote militant jihad and martyrdom – as well as sharia laws that (potentially) punish blasphemy, heresy and apostasy with death.

Those who can’t recognize the harm done by jihad, martyrdom and the criminalization of non-Muslim beliefs – but cry out against the ‘extremism’ of ISIS – apparently feel no sense of cognitive dissonance. ISIS, like the Taliban and Al Qaeda, prides itself on its literal interpretation and implementation of the Quran. Condemnation of ISIS is also condemnation of the literal interpretation and implementation of the Quran. Muslims need to admit this if they want to reform Islam. They must choose to be selective Muslims. I admit, this seems like a tall order but, if ISIS prevails, perhaps the ummah of Islam will agree that something needs to be done.

The Quran insists it should be taken literally. So take literally the positive, peaceful, suwar and ignore the negative, militaristic ones. Violence in the Quran needs to be rejected because it gives license to the small percentage among us who are susceptible to radicalization. If only 1% of the world’s 1.55 billion Muslims are radically inclined, they represent a pool of 15.5 million Muslims who can be persuaded to: finance jihad; or be recruited as jihadis or terrorists; or fill other roles in support of jihad. ISIS is a relatively new organization, yet they have no problem recruiting jihadis from around the world or securing financing (often by robbing banks and taxing their captive subjects). Whether or not ISIS jihadis are ‘true Muslims’, their implementation of jihad and Islamic doctrines clearly inspire and give license for violence to many Muslim recruits honored to fight and die for ISIS. The ummah of Islam doesn’t want an ISIS caliphate and have united to renounce and discredit them. This is the perfect opportunity to begin reform of Islam and, hopefully, do away with jihad.

Both Muslims and infidels will read this answer. Both sets of readers know, without doubt, that we could intentionally stir up a world-wide hornet’s nest of murderous rampage and riot by using our freedom of expression to symbolically protest Islamist extremism. By, ‘symbolically protest’, I mean burning Qurans or effigies of Muhammad or something similar. Such symbolic protests are legitimate methods of free expression in a democracy. And protest of Islamic extremism is certainly a worthy cause. But some European governments have outlawed such protests because they lead to rampage, riot and death around the world. I take issue with that. The problem is not freedom of expression: the problem is intimidation and extortion by religious violence. Just as we wouldn’t encourage inappropriate behavior from our children by rewarding it, neither should we encourage or reward religious violence. I’m not a Muslim. And I’ll be damned if I’ll be intimidated or extorted into acquiescing to Islam in any way, shape or form.

In the name of Allah, Islamists kill both infidels and Muslims in prodigious numbers, mounting into the hundreds and thousands, every month. Muslims killing Muslims; executions of apostates; murderous Muslim riots and rampages; the subjugation of women; child brides . . . these have nothing to do with western imperialism. They’re purely manifestations of Islam. Jihadis and terrorists don’t merely shoot people or blow them up . . . they crucify, torture, rape, behead and bury them alive. It’s sadistic and barbaric! Why don’t Muslims riot and rampage over these sickening atrocities? Aren’t they far worse to Allah than a cartoon of Muhammad?

How many murderous riots and rampages have we seen from the ummah of Islam for ‘disrespecting’ the Quran or Muhammad? We’re not Muslims, yet these protesters expect us to behave like Muslims. No, wait, that’s not accurate enough: they insist that we behave like Muslims . . . and they will resort to violence around the world to make sure we comply. The religion of peace and tolerance is quick to intimidate, extort, rampage, riot and kill if you don’t conform to their expectations. It’s always been that way. This is one of the first things that need to change.

Liberal, progressive, ideals like human rights and equal rights are the cornerstone of democratic freedom. The human desire to include and accommodate is normally laudable: but it has its limits. Freedom may be nonnegotiable but it’s all too easily compromised. For instance, if you support human rights but make excuses for the subjugation of Muslim women, then your hypocrisy compromises the ideal of freedom. More to the point, you’re a racist. By treating Muslims with lower expectations, you’re tacitly treating them as inferior. That’s racism. Human rights are for all humans: not just western ones. And freedom of expression? Well, is it essential to democracy or not? If we censor ourselves, we are allowing intolerance and intimidation to compromise our freedom – and that exceeds the acceptable limits of liberal inclusion and accommodation. Not only do we need to hold fast to our freedom: we need to represent it with integrity and consistency.

The central conflict is not a ‘clash of civilizations’: it’s a clash between the free and the unfree. Western civilization can’t expect Islamic civilization to reform itself if we’re not ready and willing to reform ourselves as well. We can’t advance freedom abroad if we abandon it at home.

What is the difference between radical Muslim/Islam and the non-radical, peaceful followers of this religion?

Answer by Jim Ashby:

Gallup polled over 50,000 Muslims across 10 countries and found that, if one defines radicals as those who deemed the 9/11 attacks "completely justified," their number constitutes about 7 percent of the total population. But if one includes Muslims who considered the attacks "largely justified," their ranks jump to 13.5 percent. Adding those who deemed the attacks "somewhat justified" boosts the number of radicals to 36.6 percent. Which figure should one adopt?
In a 2013 Pew Research Center poll, 14% of Muslims around the world said that violence against civilians is sometimes or often necessary. However, that percentage goes up to 25% when only Islamic countries are tallied.
Depending on who you ask, there are between 1.2 and 1.9 billion Muslims in the world today. A large majority of them are peaceful people. Various opinion polls indicate radical Muslims number between 7 to 25 % of the ummah of Islam. That leaves a large majority of 75 to 93% of Muslims who are peaceful people. If we take the conservative estimate of 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, 7 to 25% of them equals 84 to 300 million people who support, or are dedicated to, jihad: the destruction of Western civilization. That’s equal to the population of Egypt (the 7% estimate) or the United States and its territories (the 25% estimate).
Why should we worry about the many millions of Muslim radicals? Because they are the ones who take the Quran literally. They are the ones easily manipulated, by callous and calculating leaders, to advance jihad: financially or behind the scenes or with violence and war. They are the ones rabble-roused, through social media, to riot and rampage in the streets: destroying the property of infidels and injuring and killing them over some offense (real or perceived). They are the ones who seek out and assassinate those who dare to speak against Islam. They are the ones who form a ready pool of recruits for jihad. They are the ones that wage war on infidels and even on their fellow Muslims. They are the ones who execute terrorist plots that kill many hundreds, or even thousands, of innocent civilians every month.
The non-violent Muslims, despite representing a 75 to 93% majority of Muslims, seem unable or unwilling to unite against the radicals in their midst. Are they intimidated or are they sympathetic to the radicals? Both, perhaps? As Muslims, they probably recognize that the radicals obey the Quran the way Muhammad told them to: literally . . . or, at least, more literally than the moderates do. As long as the majority consign themselves to irrelevance, there’s precious little reason for us infidels to pay them much attention. They may not support jihad but neither do they exercise their majority to end jihad. They are virtually inconsequential.
And don’t scoff at the idea of the majority flexing their muscle. If they truly want to distance themselves from the violence and barbarism of the radicals, all they have to do is unite. All they have to do is identify, arrest and punish those on their own soil who commit violence. They can start fresh by offering a blanket amnesty to violent radicals, then begin their crackdown. If the ummah of Islam were determined to have peace, they could and would end jihad. Until they do, the majority will be no more significant than the majority in China who allow their freedom to be controlled by an elite group of old men.

What is the difference between radical Muslim/Islam and the non-radical, peaceful followers of this religion?

How would atheists defend the fact that someone like Christopher Hitchens would have lived longer if he were a believer?

Answer by Jim Ashby:

Longevity is not the point of life. It's quality, not quantity, that matters.

The point of life is experience. Why? Because it's impossible to experience unless you're alive.

Depth of experience is what drives us, pleases us and defines us. Depth is a measurement of diving . . . not of treading water.

Will you live your life on the surface? Or will you explore every dimension available to you?

Will you be guided by curiosity or authority?

How would atheists defend the fact that someone like Christopher Hitchens would have lived longer if he were a believer?

What do “normal” Muslims believe?

Answer by Jim Ashby:

Thanks for the A2A, Mr. Anonymous!

That video makes things look worse than they really are . . . by just a smidgen.

The fact is, not all Muslims are willing to accept the Quran literally. And many of those in the video would not actually stone anybody to death without peer pressure from their fellow Muslims. Some would not no matter what. But they’re in a mosque and everybody can see them so they raise their hands in support of extreme sharia punishments.

If Allah, the Quran, Muhammad and ahadith will it, it is the ‘best possible’ course of action. And make no mistake about it: Allah, the Quran, Muhammad and ahadith demand extreme punishments for minor (to us) crimes (some aren’t even crimes to us). But crime and punishment are an internal (sharia) problem. I hate the punishments for humanitarian reasons but I recognize they are internal matters.

What is NOT an internal matter is jihad. And make no mistake about it: Allah, the Quran, Muhammad and ahadith demand you fight if you’re able and called to jihad. Allah takes a dim view of those who stay on their couch instead of waging war. Far too many Muslims would be honored to kill for Allah and jihad.

By the way, did you notice how the speaker polled the adherents about punishments prescribed by sharia law but intentionally avoided polling them about jihad? He’s not stupid. He knows the difference between internal issues and global ones. He was aware that some of us infidels would also see the video.

There’s an old debate about whether or not there can be such a thing as a moderate Muslim. On Quora, we see that there certainly are Muslims who declare their faith in Islam but who also acknowledge problems with it. As near as I can tell, that makes them moderate Muslims. The question is: ‘Are moderate Muslims relevant if they can’t or won’t stand up to extremists?’

Clearly, moderate Muslims can put targets on their backs by speaking out too loud or too clear. Even Malala, a young girl, was shot in the head for advocating education for girls. So, it seems to me that the only way for moderate Muslims to stand up to extremists is to unite against them.

But would a united front of moderate Muslims be large enough to challenge their fundamentalist (extremist by Western standards) brethren? According to poll after poll (Gallup and Pew and others), it seems that, in most Islamic states, the answer is iffy, at best.

But the literalist zeal of ISIS has revealed that most fundamentalist Muslims aren’t really as literal about the Quran as is ISIS. The ummah of Islam has spoken with a united voice against ISIS. If you listen to the condemnations you’ll notice an uncharacteristically non-literalist interpretation of the Quran. Given the perfect, infallible, immutable, clear and complete attributes of the Quran, it’s amazing that so many Muslims appear to agree with these non-literalist interpretations.

Non-literalist interpretations of the Quran represents the first step needed to begin reformation of Islam. The second step is a united front of moderate Muslims. ISIS may pride themselves in their literal interpretation of the Quran but all they’ve managed to do is repulse the entire world . . . including the ummah of Islam. We have ISIS to thank for bringing the ummah of Islam to the first baby-step of reform. We need to do all we can to encourage the next step: a united front of moderate Muslims.

Is being a vegan better than being an omnivore ethically, politically and environmentally?

Answer by Jim Ashby:

I've been meaning to cover the logical fallacies, from both sides of the argument, for some time now. Here goes . . .

The Meat Eaters

When people claim that it is not immoral to eat meat because it's delicious and they like it, they are committing the naturalistic fallacy.

When people claim that it is not immoral to eat meat because it is natural for animals to eat meat, they are committing the appeal to nature fallacy.

The Plant Eaters

To my experience, most veggie proselytizers are guilty of the moral high ground fallacy. and/or the moralistic fallacy

When people claim that it is immoral to eat meat, they are committing the red herring fallacy and/or the ecological fallacy and/or the ignoratio elenchi fallacy.

The previous paragraph needs some elaboration. I'll take them in order presented.

The red herring fallacy occurs when the moral claim against eating meat is conflated with the environmental issue of greenhouse gases. Global warming is indeed a critically serious environmental issue. But it is not a moral issue because we don't need to cease eating meat to address the global warming issue. Instead, we can reduce meat consumption and/or switch to raising animals (such as fish, chickens or pigs) that produce less greenhouse gases and/or switch to free-range feeding. We can also reduce other sources of greenhouse gases. The three most potent food sources of greenhouse gases are lambs, cows and cheese, in that order (lambs and cows are both ruminants that, individually, produce more flatus than other livestock). By the way, the farming, transport and consumption of plants also produce greenhouse gases (though, admittedly, less than from meat).

The ecological fallacy occurs when veggie proselytizers claim moral superiority (or insinuate that meat eaters are morally inferior). All the stats in the world doesn't change the fact that, even if eating meat were a moral issue, it would be just one aspect of morality. Morality doesn't hinge on any single issue: including what we eat. There's myriad other moral issues to consider as well.

The ignoratio elenchi fallacy occurs whenever eating meat is asserted as a moral issue. The assertion misses the point that any claim (moral or otherwise) is invalid if it violates the law of noncontradiction. You can't deny, ignore or contradict a fact and retain a valid argument. What fact? The fact that our DNA determines our nutritional requirements and those requirements have always required eating meat: even our predecessor species were omnivores. We are, and always have been, omnivores: not herbivores or carnivores.

It is bigotry to blame people for the way they were born . . . whether that be black, female, handicapped, gay, deformed or, yes, an omnivore. And claims of moral superiority are no less repugnant than claims of racial superiority. To me, such folk are the "food gestapo".

Is being a vegan better than being an omnivore ethically, politically and environmentally?

Is the behavior of ISIS/The Islamic State representative of the religion of Islam?

Answer by Carter Moore:

A few weeks after this question was presented, and many good Quorans gave excellent answers, Islamic scholars released an Open Letter to al-Baghdadi (ISIS' self-styled leader), in which they eloquently make the case for why ISIS is an affront to Muslims and Islam. Here are what I consider to be the most relevant passages for answering this and similar questions, but I strongly encourage people to read the letter in its entirety.

With regards to Qur’anic exegesis, and the understanding of Hadith, and issue in legal theory in general, the methodology set forth by God in the Qur’an and the Prophet in the Hadith is as follows: to consider everything that has been revealed relating to a particular question in its entirety, without depending on only parts of it, and then to judge—if one is qualified—based on all available scriptural sources. . . . It is not permissible to constantly speak of ‘simplifying matters’, or to cherry-pick an extract from the Qur’an without understanding it within its full context. . . .

When there is a difference of opinion among eminent scholars, the more merciful, i.e. the best, opinion should be chosen. Severity should be avoided, as should the idea that severity is the measure of piety. . . .

In truth, it is clear that you and your fighters are fearless and are ready to sacrifice in your intent for jihad. No truthful person following events—friend or foe—can deny this. However, jihad without legitimate cause, legitimate goals, legitimate purpose, legitimate methodology and legitimate intention is not jihad at all, but rather, warmongering and criminality. . . . The reason behind jihad for Muslims is to fight those who fight them, not to fight anyone who does not fight them, nor to transgress against anyone who has not transgressed against them. . . .  [T]here are two kinds of jihad in Islam: the greater jihad, which is the jihad (struggle) against one’s ego; and the lesser jihad, the jihad (struggle) against the enemy. . . . [T]here is no such thing as offensive, aggressive jihad just because people have different religions or opinions. . . .

God says: 'you are not a taskmaster over them' and 'There is no compulsion in religion. Rectitude has become clear from error …' and 'And if your Lord willed, all who are in the earth would have believed together. …' . . . and 'You have your religion and I have my religion.' . . . You have coerced people to convert to Islam just as you have coerced Muslims to accept your views. You also coerce everyone living under your control  . . . even in matters which are between the individual and God. . . . This is not enjoining the right and honourable and forbidding the wrong; rather, it is coercion, assault, and constant, random intimidation. . . .

God says in the Qur’an: ‘And do not slay the soul [whose life] God has made inviolable, except with due cause …’ . . . The slaying of a soul—any soul—is haraam (forbidden and inviolable under Islamic Law), [and] it is also one of the most abominable sins (mubiqat). God says in the Qur’an: ‘Because of that, We decreed for the Children of Israel that whoever slays a soul for other than a soul, or for corruption in the land, it shall be as if he had slain mankind altogether; and whoever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind. …' . . . You have killed many innocents who were neither combatants nor armed, just because they disagree with your opinions. . . . [K]illing prisoners . . . is forbidden in Islamic Law[, yet] you have killed many prisoners. . . .

You have provided ample ammunition for all those who want to call Islam barbaric with your broadcasting of barbaric acts which you pretend are for the sake of Islam. You have given the world a stick with which to beat Islam whereas in reality Islam is completely innocent of these acts and prohibits them. . . . [Y]ou have misinterpreted Islam into a religion of harshness, brutality, torture and murder. As elucidated, this is a great wrong and an offence to Islam, to Muslims and to the entire world.

Is the behavior of ISIS/The Islamic State representative of the religion of Islam?

My comment on an answer to Do animals, like human beings, attain consciousness? If they do, is it morally justifiable to kill, slaughter,…

My comment on an answer to Do animals, like human beings, attain consciousness? If they do, is it morally justifiable to kill, slaughter, or even mistreat them for our survival? :

My comment on an answer to Do animals, like human beings, attain consciousness? If they do, is it morally justifiable to kill, slaughter,…

What is the cause of the suffering of the Palestinian people?

Answer by Jim Ashby:

I know it's not politically correct to acknowledge but the root cause is Antisemitism. I hope the following persuades you of this fact.

The Kingdom of Jordan has been ruled by Hashemites since World War I, when (in 1918) the Hashemite Army (with the support of local tribes) defeated the Ottoman Turks. After World War I, under the British Mandate for Palestine, the Hashemites continued rule of Transjordan. In 1922, Transjordan was recognized as a state, under the British Mandate for Palestine, but remained under British supervision until after World War II (1946) when the U.N. recognized it as a sovereign state.
(Trans)Jordan's largest ethnic group throughout this period (and long before) was — and still is — Palestinians. What this means is that, since the 1917 Balfour Declaration, when the Zionist movement for a Jewish Homeland in Israel got British recognition, the main concern centered on when, where and how the proposed state of Israel would be carved out of the British Mandate for Palestine and what would happen to the affected Palestinians.

The most obvious option was to make Transjordan (representing 80% of the British Mandate) the Palestinian homeland: after all, it was already, ethnically, Palestinian. But the Palestinians vehemently refused because that would leave 20% of the mandate available for Israel. The problem wasn't really the size of the proposed Jewish homeland — it was the existence of any Jewish homeland at all.

Eventually, the Palestinians got Transjordan anyway but many of them stayed put in what was left of the British Mandatory Palestine. We all know the rest. The remaining 20% of territory was divided between local Palestinians and Jews . . . and all hell broke loose.

Israel didn't hold out for a larger slice of the territory. They accepted the tiny 10% of territory. This excerpt is from the 1948 Arab–Israeli War wiki:

On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution recommending the adoption and implementation of a plan to partition the British Mandate of Palestine into two states, one Arab and one Jewish, and the City of Jerusalem.[20]

The General Assembly resolution on Partition was greeted with overwhelming joy in Jewish communities and widespread outrage in the Arab world. In Palestine, violence erupted almost immediately, feeding into a spiral of reprisals and counter-reprisals. The British refrained from intervening as tensions boiled over into a low-level conflict that quickly escalated into a full-scale civil-war.[21][22][23][24][25][26]

So what we have here is a region under foreign rule for centuries: first by Ottoman Turks, then (for a few decades) by the British. After World War II, they finally gained sovereign independence. Was this a time for nation-building? No. It was a time to unite in war against Israel. They had obstinately refused every proposal for a Jewish homeland and, by Allah, there will be no Jewish homeland!

Oops . . . well . . . the nascent Israel may have (repeatedly) kicked Arab ass but that's okay. Arab nations are huge compared to Israel — and they surround the tiny country. They can afford to bide their time and wait until they're stronger (or Israel gets weaker). Then they'll finally wipe Israel off the map — the way it should always have been in the first place.

There's a reason why Arabs won't tolerat any Jewish homeland on Muslim soil: it goes by the name of antisemitism. That's right: antisemitism institutionalized by Muhammad's example and enshrined by sharia law in the guise of Dhimma.

You see, on Muslim soil, Jews are dhimmi: barely tolerated, inferior, subjugated and supplicant. And, by Allah, that's the way they must stay! The Jewish homeland of Israel is a disgraceful slap to the face of Allah, Muhammad and, by extension, all Muslims. A Jewish homeland, where Jews are free, proud and strong, simply can not be allowed to exist. Period. End of discussion.

Look at the history, ideology, culture and religion of Islam. Then look at the history of the Palestinian Problem. Then you'll see . . . Arab antisemitism is the bedrock source of the conflict. It is the impetus behind all the obstinacy, violence and war. It's Jew hatred. Pure and simple. Israel can't have peace until Arabs finally recognize its right to exist and cease their yearning to wipe them off the face of the Earth.

What is the cause of the suffering of the Palestinian people?